RanchSeeker’s Ranches’ Photo Corner

Published: 7/18/2012 10:13:45 AM


RanchSeeker represents many guest ranches and working ranches found in the USA, Canada, and South America. In our upcoming blogs we will be posting some photos that our guest ranches and working ranches picked out to share with you. We asked them to choose one of their favourite photos and tell us why they like it so much and what it represents to them:

Our first guest ranch, Western Pleasure Guest Ranch, in Sandpoint Idaho sent us the following photo and description:

  “It is a favorite, because it shows one of my favorite activities at the ranch.  There is nothing like a good old fashioned bon fire with the guests and staff gathered around enjoying the fresh air and the new friendships that have been made over their visit to the ranch.   It doesn’t matter if you are just a child, a Mom and Dad, or Grandma and Grandpa, everyone goes away with fond memories of their evenings warming by the fire, enjoying the stars, and listening to some good campfire music.---Janice”

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch is a fourth generation family owned and operated ranch, located on 1100 acres, where you will discover true western hospitality while surrounded by the scenic beauty of North Idaho. At Western Pleasure Guest Ranch, you will find their accommodations very comfortable, their hearty ranch style food fresh and satisfying, and their many activities entertaining and fun.  

The Hills Health & Guest Ranch in 108 Mile Ranch, British Columbia had this to say about their photo:

“We have a guest that spoils our horses. They feed her peppermints. Now every time the horse sees the guest coming she greets her with a big smile.-Len” 

 The Hills Health & Guest Ranch offers guests a refuge of renewal and rejuvenation while being surrounded by peaceful countryside reflecting the true Canadian west. From Horseback riding to great wilderness hiking, you can enjoy it all!  

Our next photo was sent in by Vista Verde Ranch in Steamboat, Colorado.

“A guest took this amazing photo a couple weeks ago during our 4th of July stampede.  I just love the photo.  It was edited with a really neat look, captures to action and power of what we call the “star spangled stampede” and I can’t stop looking at it! –Stephanie”

Vista Verde Ranch, nestled deep in the Rocky Mountains, is a truly unique ranch experience for all seasons. You’ll enjoy the comforts of their luxurious cabins and spacious lodge rooms. Their Culinary Institute trained chefs will wow you with gourmet meals. And they’ll keep you as busy as you’d like to be with a wide variety of outdoor adventures, summer and winter.  

Marble Mountain Ranch in Somes Bar, California sent us a collage for their entry:

"The collage is a favorite picture of mine because of its an over-view of nature.  We have some difficulty projecting the variety of Western activities available at Marble Mountain Ranch, which distinguishes us from typical dude ranches.  This image does a fair job of showing who we are.  It shows our signature vacation, which blends horses, rafting, fishing, shooting, and a family orientation.-Doug" 

Marble Mountain Ranch offers all inclusive ranch holidays centered on a Western Trail Riding theme. We combine our equestrian program with thrilling guest ranch activities such as rafting, fly fishing, sporting clays, and traditional ranch events.   Our last photo for this series comes from Estancia Ranquilco, in El Huecu, Argentina.

 “The mate' is a very intrinsic part of the Argentine Gaucho culture  and it represents their way of life. It is a culture that values some of the things that we may have lost sight of in the modern world; community, open space, clean air and water, and giving time to sit together and share stories and thoughts. Their way of life is inseparable from horses--in fact for most of them horses are their only means of transportation. Their culture is very much the heart of Ranquilco, and visitors get a chance to step into a different time when horses and the people that ride them have created a deep tie between humans, horses and the landscape.-T.A.”

Estancia Ranquilco is a remote family-owned 100,000 acre horse and cattle ranch nestled in the foothills of the Andes. It is a vast expanse of land in Patagonia, stretching across leagues of high steppes, river valleys, grazing meadows, and jagged cliffs, into the very heart of the Argentine cordillera.


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